People staring directly into gale-force winds (32 images)

People staring directly into gale-force winds (32 images)

This series by artist and photographer Tadao Cern has been floating around the internet for a few days, but due to some recent computer issues I’m just now getting it posted. It’s a pretty hilarious concept and photo series, and perhaps the most unflattering (and probably most uncomfortable) way to have your portrait taken.  Though, I sort of feel like anytime I take a picture I look as awkward as these people do, and I don’t...

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Fun Facebook timeline cover photos (30 images)

Fun Facebook timeline cover photos (30 images)

There has been a fair amount of backlash over the new Facebook timeline, as there has been over basically every change to Facebook ever.  Personally, I don’t mind it, and I’m sure someday they’ll do away with the timeline and people will be complaining and talking about how much they want it back.  But I digress. What I wanted to share were these examples of people embracing the timeline re-design, and taking their profiles...

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Haunting underwater portraits by Jacob Sutton (3 images)

Haunting underwater portraits by Jacob Sutton (3 images)

This photo series by Jacob Sutton is really bizarre / awesome.  It’s a bit cliche to say that photos are ‘haunting’ – but I don’t know any other way to describe these underwater portraits. They’re very ghostly and ominous, yet at the same time feel serene.  I go back and forth between trying to decide if the girl just drowned or perhaps if she’s just slipped into a dream.  Cool effect, I wish there...

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Wire mesh portraits (9 images, 2 videos)

Wire mesh portraits (9 images, 2 videos)

I’m sort of at a loss for words when it comes to these portraits made of wire mesh by sculptor Seung Mo Park.  This great description from Christopher over at Colossal sums it up pretty well: “Using a process that could be the new definition of meticulous, Korean sculptor Seung Mo Park creates giant ephemeral portraits by cutting layer after layer of wire mesh. Each work begins with a photograph which is superimposed over layers...

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Tributes to Michael Jackson from across the world (24 images)

Tributes to Michael Jackson from across the world (24 images)

It’s easy to forget how big of an impact Michael Jackson had on music and the world in general, but these works of art serve as a reminder that he reached those all across the globe.  Michael Jackson was a polarizing figure and although he was famous and successful, I can’t say I’d wish his life upon anyone. I was born a little after the Michael Jackson era, but can definitely appreciate his music.  I mean, I don’t...

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