Stunning artwork by Tom Whalen (25 images)

Posted by on May 11, 2012 in Artwork, Fun, Graphic Design, Illustration, Minimalism, Painting, Posters, Printwork

A friend of mine sent me a link to Tom Whalen’s deviantART page yesterday, and I was an immediate fan.  His sense of color and contrast is incredibly inspiring, and his work has a sense of both elegance and whimsy.  They’re created in a way that almost makes them seem as if they’re moving.

Mr. Whalen is one of those artists that humbles me when I see just how much work he has put out – and how good it all is.  What you see below is merely a fraction of the work he has posted on his deviantART profile and his website,  I highly recommend checking out more of his work if you get a chance, and he also has prints for sale.


























