Vintage bottle caps (160 images)

Vintage bottle caps (160 images)

I can’t explain it, but I’ve always liked playing with bottle caps.  I have a bad habit of putting them in my pocket while having a few beers and then inevitably jabbing my leg at some point in the night. Here are 160 vintage bottle caps for those who enjoy them as much as I do.  Also, I can’t believe anybody ever drank Tab.   [via...

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Louis Vuitton’s ‘Taxi Encounters’ series (2 videos)

Louis Vuitton’s ‘Taxi Encounters’ series (2 videos)

Below are two videos from the Louis Vuitton series titled Taxi Encounters.  To be honest, I don’t actually understand why the company makes them, but they’re expertly shot and fun to watch. The first one, I should forewarn you, is in Italian, but the cinematography is spectacular and well worth a look.  Maybe Louis Vuitton is trying to counter all of the shitty publicity Kanye West has been giving them the last few...

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The original video pitch for the Muppet Show by Jim Henson (1 video)

The original video pitch for the Muppet Show by Jim Henson (1 video)

As someone who grew up watching the Muppets, this is just great.  This is Jim Henson’s original video he made to pitch the Muppet Show to CBS, and I have to say, it’s pretty hilarious. I never really even thought about how a show like the Muppets might be pitched to a network, but I definitely didn’t expect this.  It’s a true testament to Jim Henson’s creativity, and probably the most important piece of Muppet...

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Heartwarming…burger ad. No, really, it is. (1 video)

Heartwarming…burger ad. No, really, it is. (1 video)

It’s not often you get to describe a commercial for a fast-food burger joint as ‘heartwarming’ – in fact, this might be a first, even for the internet. But this commercial for popular South African burger joint Wimpy is surprisingly just that. Wimpy wanted a creative way to advertise the fact that they offer Braille menus for the visually impaired at all of their locations, so they decided to bake up some special buns...

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