Tributes to Michael Jackson from across the world (24 images)

Posted by on April 12, 2012 in Artwork, Celebrities, Illustration, Painting, Portraits

It’s easy to forget how big of an impact Michael Jackson had on music and the world in general, but these works of art serve as a reminder that he reached those all across the globe.  Michael Jackson was a polarizing figure and although he was famous and successful, I can’t say I’d wish his life upon anyone.

I was born a little after the Michael Jackson era, but can definitely appreciate his music.  I mean, I don’t know that there is a cooler song than Billie Jean.  I will never forget a time shortly after he died when I was walking downtown to get a few drinks, a car pulled up to a stop sign blasting Billie Jean and I looked around and everyone walking within earshot started dancing.  It was a crazy sight.



























